Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Dragons & Dreams by Becca Price

~ Eating Magic ~

I'm reading Dragons and Dreams by Becca Price. It's a collection of delightful children's bedtime stories and it's making smile. The six fairy tales are full of whimsy and depth. Most often, everyone wins. The two dragon tales, A Princess for Tea and The Grumpy Dragon are delightful. One of my favorite quotes is from Sunflower:

The other faeries were terrified when a great yellow and orange kitten appeared at their door, but the Butterfly-Fairy quickly reassured them that her new pet wouldn't hurt them. That night, all the faeries nestled safe and warm against the soft fur of the Sunflower-kitten, and her purring lulled them to sleep.

Sunflowers... faeries... and cats! OMG! All my favorite things!

There's also a refreshing take on the king's three sons. Each of their journeys to find the most precious thing is meaningful. However, I think the first son's quest to find Wisdom takes a satisfying twist.

And so the first Prince returned to his father's house. He knelt before his father's throne, and placed at his father's feet one flower, still damp with dew. And the king understood the gift, and raised his son up, and rejoiced.

The Dark is, perhaps, the most exquisite of the tales...

"What is the Dark that hides in the woods during the day, and creeps out in the evening, and presses against our windows all night, until morning?"

While The Child of Promise is, perhaps, the wisest one...

The snow seemed to filled with a magical silvery light that reflected from every surface. Crystals of ice shone like diamonds. The air was hushed and still. It seemed to Agnes that every snowflake that fell had within its heart a small star, so that she was surrounded not by drifts of snow but by drifts of starlight.

Looking for something to read to your child before the lights go out? These original fairy tales are clever and engaging. I highly recommend them. 

Watch for Fairies and Fireflies: Bedtime Stories on Friday...